Helping people achieve their fitness goals through quality nutrition and training programs. #TEAMECTO
Helping people achieve their fitness goals through quality nutrition and training programs. #TEAMECTO
Every client that we work with initially comes in and tells us that they have tried everything. The extreme training, low calories, excessive amounts of cardio and have ingested every possible known fat burner on the planet with no luck.
What we do is instead is focus on other aspects that no one else does, which play a huge role in how your body creates energy. We focus on aspects such as improving digestion, stress management, increasing metabolism (through more food but also the quality of nutrients) in combination with enough training to create the response we want (fat loss, muscle gain) and guess what happens – people start improving their body composition and feeling better!
So instead of focusing on burying yourself into the ground, why not focus on building the foundation to something better!
Body Transformation Specialist
Accredited Nutritionist
Sports Scientist
Contest Prep Coach